
Less a diary but more an area to share, express or even vent frustrations.

1st February 2018


So I have managed to complete two books and probably a quarter of the way through the third and now I  am finding that this was the easy part.


I find that I am questioning if my work is any good, is it the fact that I write complete rubbish that I cannot find an agent, the real answer is no, my work is not that bad it is just really hard to find an agent that will take a chance on a new writer.


There is the option to self publish and I have taken "steps" down that road but then do I want all the hassle that comes with it as that takes the focus off the writting, and as I have a full time job where should my focus be, personnally I think on finishing the third book.


This had had an effect on my writting as well, I have "slowed down", whilst not given up but have questioned why bother, what will it achieve? The answer, satisfaction in the knowldge that I have had the ability to create three stories that have given friends and family enjoyment and who knows tomorrow could be the day the books are available to a wider audiance!



9th February 2018


Frustration is the name of the game, I seem to have written myself into a corner.


With my third book I am doing a lot more planing, trying to map the story out rather than just write and see where my imaginaton takes me. 


Yes for the first two I had an idea but it was very fluid, this time I am trying to be a lot more focused. Over all I am happy with the story board and where I want to go, my small problem is using "live" locations only to find they do not lend themselves well with my story.


For example trying to get into a building on a busy main street that will have more security than most, in a building that has no court yard or hidden areas does kind of scupper the idea a little, but the challange now is how do I get around this?


Well, wish me luck!



21st February 2018


I was discussing a plot line with a friend the other day in relation to the problem I had with getting into a building, his solution was to kill the character I was trying to rescue. An interesting solution when my plan was to save him. 


The problem it then poses is the impact it would have between the main characters in my book and a "guess character". The dilemma is that to kill an innocent would be a complete reversal of what has gone before. So how do I explain such a massive change in direction?


For me I think it would be too out of character to be able to work it, saying that I could get a third party to do it and then use good old revenge as a driver for the story line but is that all too predictable, is that what people want to read?


My other question would be, am I writing these books for what the masses want or for my enjoyment, what are the possibilities of the books actually being published, pretty slim I would say. 


Having spent a lot of time looking into what agents want and submitting what they ask for to either get no response back (which in this day and age I do find a little discourteous) or a thanks but no thanks my view is now to write for my enjoyment.


That is not being negative, more realistic but that will not stop me from keeping trying to get published, never say never!

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